Join us for an intimate Cha Dao Tea Ceremony with Ai-Ling from @blueapocalypse!
Cha Dao, meaning "The Way of Tea" in Chinese, is a practice rooted in Daoist philosophy. Tea serves as an envoy of inner harmony and stillness, fostering connection, grounding the spirit, and cultivating the mind.
We'll begin with a short ritual before sharing several silent bowls of tea, allowing the mystery and magic of Cha Dao to unfold. High quality, living organic Chinese tea is served sourced from wild, ancient tea trees to facilitate an evening of mindfulness and meditation. Ai-Ling serves regular Tea Ceremonies around Perth and studies with the Global Tea Hut, a tea and meditation center in Miaoli, Taiwan.
4:20pm - Doors Open
6:00pm - Dedicated Medicating Area Open
7:00pm – Tea Ceremony Commences
8:00pm – Reflection & Questions
9:00pm - Showroom Closes
10:00pm - Roll out!
Entry: $15
Tickets available here
*Please note that this intimate gathering is limited to 10 participants.
Even if you’re not participating in the ceremony, all are welcome to observe the ceremony and join for reflection and questions at the end. Our showroom and Dedicated Medicating Area will remain open for all guests.
See you soon!